gtag('config', 'G-FEQELH3R21'); Getting Rid of Binyamin Netanyahu Would Help Israel Clean Up Its Politics - Krozz
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    Getting Rid of Binyamin Netanyahu Would Help Israel Clean Up Its Politics

     Getting rid of Binyamin netanyahu would help israel clean up its politics. Never before had Binyamin Netanyahu's position as Israeli Prime Minister looked so weak. On 2 June, Naftali Bennett (pictured) and his opponents, led by Yair Rafid, agreed to form a government that would exclude anyone who has dominated their country's politics for the past 12 years. All that remains is for the Knesset (Israel Parliament) to cast a vote of trust. 

    Netanyahu will do its best to disrupt it. But if he fails, his long reign will come to an end. "King Bibi" oversaw a thriving high-tech economy and the world's leading COVID-19 vaccination campaign. He made peace with several Arab countries and kept Israel safe despite the recent war in Gaza. Most of his policies are now generally accepted, even by politicians pushing him away.

    Getting Rid of Binyamin Netanyahu Would Help Israel Clean Up Its Politics

    Obama Suggests Gop Voting Laws Are rigging the Game Corporate America Needs to Speak Up

    Obama suggests gop voting laws are 'rigging' the game, corporate america needs to speak up. Former President Barack Obama suggested last Friday that the Republican legislature's effort to change voting laws would be to "fit in" the system. In a virtual debate at the Chicago Economics Club, Obama said Republicans had accepted "patentally false" allegations that the 2020 elections were stolen and accused them of introducing "methods of voter oppression" through the state legislature.

    "That's the kind of risky behavior we have to push," Obama said. “It has to do with the basic rules everyone agrees on to keep a really diverse multi-ethnic democracy functioning. Are we going to stick to those rules, or will we start rigging in a way that breaks the game? And it won't be good for business, not to mention for our souls. " Obama picked up a new ballot law in Georgia, especially in the face of corporate backlash. Democrats have told respected civil society organizations that they have a responsibility to protest this ballot law, and that businesses, in particular, have a duty to stand up.

    “I think the business community has a responsibility to at least bring people up on that matter. Because it transcends policy,” he said. Nationally, Republican-controlled state legislatures have passed several voting restrictions after losing the 2020 presidential contest and losing a majority in the House and Senate. Several GOP state legislators have enacted or drafted measures to create new electoral powers, change election administration, and penalize state election officials, such as the Secretary of State, for not performing their duties set forth in the new law.

    In Georgia, a bill signed in March removes the secretary of state from the state election commission and replaces that position with a legislative-appointed chairperson. It also authorizes the State Board of Elections to suspend county or local election workers. 

    The new law also adds many restrictions, such as requiring ID to vote by mail and making it illegal to take food or water to voters. States such as Texas, Arkansas, and Arizona, which are conducting GOP-led controversial audits, have also passed or proposed new ballot laws. Also, pending or passed legislation in several states imposes huge fines or criminal penalties on election officials for non-compliance with the law.

    Obama has been increasingly vocal about voting protection and recently signed an open letter urging the passage of the For The People Act, an all-out ballot measure that recently passed the House of Representatives in March. 

    He is also involved in When We All Vote, a voter registration group sponsored by Michelle Obama. Obama also spoke with a venerable organization about the opening of the Presidential Library, which is set to begin construction this fall. Obama said the $500 million complex will be located in Chicago's Jackson Park and will attract 750,000 visitors a year.

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